
Hallo welcome di blog gue :))

Oke, kayanya gue harus kenalin diri dulu ya.. Hallo semua nama gue Sally Indah Nurdyawati tapi bisa dipanggil Sally dengan ejaan "sali" not "selli" or anything. Kenapa gue pake sebutin ejaannya segala? Ya soalnya banyak yang ngeja nama guenya salah hehe. Gue sekolah di SMAN 5 Bandung angkatan 2013 yang biasa disebut dengan V'13.

Gue termasuk orang yang cuek, berkawan, dan kadang-kadang bisa bikin ngakak orang. Katanya temen-temen gue sih gue itu judes juga.. Gue paling suka warna merah dan berpakaian simple. Ya... setelan kaos sama jeans doang sih udah cukup. Waktu SD, gue termasuk cewek tomboy dan waktu masuk SMP, gue rada ngeilangin tuh tomboy dan sampe sekarang kayanya susah meski udah pudar-pudar dikitlah tomboynya.

Oiya gue lahir di Bandung, 13 November 1995. Banyak yang percaya angka 13 itu angka sial ya? tapi menurut gue sih engga soalnya 13 itu termasuk salah satu angka favorit gue, kalo ditanya alesannya sih karena itu merupakan tanggal lahir gue juga bisa kali ya...

Hobby. Salah satu hobby gue itu baca. Tapi ya anehnya bukan baca buku pelajaran, tapi buku-buku novel sama komik. Kalo dibilang ngoleksi sih engga ya.. soalnya emang gue ga punya buku-buku itu sampe berpuluh-puluh rak. gawean gue ya kalo ga beli ya pinjem dari temen..

Gaakan beres nih kalo ngomongin tentang gue *cielah.. tapi gue anaknya asik siajak ngobrol ko tenang aja...
Enjoy baca blog gue ya :)))

Rabu, 22 September 2010

How to recycle the banana’s skin becomes alternative fuel?

Actually this experiment is my task when i was in Junior High School :)

We did this experiment because the difficulty to found the fuel. And if we could not find the other alternative, we will continue to depend on the decreasingly premium because of it could not be renewed. It is about knowledge or the theory that was linked with the theme that was taken in paper.
And in certain areas the scarcity of the fuel happened.

How to recycle the banana’s skin becomes alternative fuel?

 Beside the taste is delicious to be fried bananas, bananas have the other function. Who knows that banana’s skin can be one of fuel. Some scientist from Nottingham University, England found the way to make use of unused banana’s skin. It’s mostly found in Africa, become the alternative fuel.

Banana’s skin is changed into a briquette that can be burned and use for cooking, lighting, and heating. The invention of briquette from banana’s skin can substitute the usage of wooden block and decreasing the felling of trees. 

In several countries in Africa, like Rwanda, there are lots of banana tree. The banana can be processed become food and drinks, because of that there are many unused banana’s skin. To prevent the banana’s skin become waste, some scientists make use of to become alternative fuel that can be used by public.

The Experiment

What you need:
  • Unused banana’s skin
  • Wood powder
  • Blender
  • Bowl
  • Pan
What to do:                   
    1.  Mix all of the decomposed banana’s skin.
    2.  Blend it until it looks like porridge. To make the blending process easier, add some water.
    3.  Then, pour it into a pan.
    4. After that, heat it. Let it until it become cool.
    5. After the porridge become cool, mix it with wood powder.
    6. After we mix it well, we have to compress it to make the mixture a little bit wet. So, we can make any shapes from the mixture easier.
    7. Make any shape you want, but our group made sphere form.
    8. After that, burn it on a roaster, we can use the wood powder to burn it.
    9. Let the surface become black like charcoal and hard.
    10. THIS IS IT! The banana’s skin becomes alternative fuel!

that's all about my axpriment (sally, natrya, nadya, dini dwi)

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